Step by step


My dear reader!

The days fly by and there is really a lot going on. Miška and I have been fighting together for several years. In recent months, it has been shown that politicians, journalists, people who are supposed to point out and fight against the mafia, paradoxically stand behind it and do everything so that it can do everything it wants.

In the last article, I gave a clear message to the mafia in Hallein and Salzburg, and these days we got our hands on a serious document. It is a medical assessment of my condition and not only confirms the seriousness, the poisoning, but mainly the cause.


Mr. Pribela suffers from PET-positive bihilar and mediastinal lymphadenopathy, which is currently under investigation. In this context, the pension applicant is under care at the pneumology department of Landesklinikum Hochegg. Furthermore, chronic lung disease is added at Stage II according to Gold. In terms of interventional clarification, two submandibular lymph node extirpations were performed in 2019 without evidence of malignancy; PET positive lymph node consolidations were also found on both sides; in addition, a bone marrow biopsy was performed in August 2019; Currently, in addition to the planned EBUS bronchoscopy, there is also clarification regarding obstructive sleep apnea syndrome - in this regard, polysomnography is planned for August 2, 2022.

Note: In December 2017, the public prosecutor's office in Salzburg discovered "illegal drug production" in the apartment building where the pension applicant lived in December 2017 (5400 Hallein, Glaheckerweg 5); Air emissions were measured in the pension applicant's apartment, which showed increased emissions of unknown substances - no further findings are available in this regard.

No, we won't budge!

We don't plan to. On the contrary. Our goal is currently compensation from the state and mainly civil lawsuits that will be filed against the following persons: Herbert Holzknecht, Jutta Ziegler, Anneliese Fronthaler, Waltraud and Marcel Pawlik, PI HALLEIN, the Prosecutor's Office of Salzburg and to him also the 1st Prosecutor of SALZBURG - Mag. Marcus Neher and let's not forget the newspapers - Salzburg Nachrichten and Christine Froschl.

As I mentioned in the last video (, lawsuits in the amount of several tens of millions of Euros will be filed. If the mafia can bribe the police, the prosecutor's office, or officials, politicians, they certainly also have compensation.

We are coming for you and the mafia from Hallein and Salzburg, you have lost and soon you will be the biggest shame of Austria!
Pavol Pribela and Michaela Povalová!