Giovanni Falcone

1. Everyone has the right to freedom of expression. This right shall include freedom to hold opinions and to receive and impart information and ideas without interference by public authority and regardless of frontiers.
2. The freedom and pluralism of the media shall be respected.

Latest News: 

This article is the culmination of the knowledge we have gained through our hard and dangerous work. We went through many difficult trials, assassination attempts and threats. Today, however, we stand with the results of our work and will gradually work towards an answer to what is happening behind the scenes. Who really controls this world and why...
Many people have a healthy perspective on life. They see the facts and are not lying. Then there are others. Politicians, journalists, members of non-governmental organizations, actors, singers and somewhere at the end of the caravan of psychopaths, are their highest Gods - MAFIA.

Believe in your inner voiceIt was a long time ago. The last days of August 2020. I sat in the living room and slowly fell asleep. Miška was sleeping in the bedroom. At one point I was awakened by a kind of shoving with the words: "Look outside!" I had no idea what was going on, but I listened to...

Who are we?

We are ordinary people with an extraordinary life story. My name is Pavol Pribela and I am in charge of                      this website. Michaela Povalová and I survived                                several attempted murders.  

Let´s unite.

Unity is strength.

One person can be an example to others, but more     people can change people. This website was made to unite      people. Its purpose is to fight and right the wrongs (unfair          actions, injustices) done us - honest people.

What and who are we fighting for? 

We want to connect people with a similar                       fate.  

We fight against mafias outside the state and in the state. An organized criminal group is trying to send us to jail based on false and fabricated accusations. Moreover, members of the group tried to kill us several times. We know that there are a lot of people in the world with the same fate as we have. That is why we are fighting. We want to make this world a better place for all.   

The Mafia will never win. 

It doesn´t matter how strong they are. 

We will always be stronger TOGETHER. Lies, frauds and thefts are important to the Mafia. Truth and courage are important to us.  


You can also watch our fight on the platform: