

Dear fellow warriors!

On Wednesday, March 2, 2022, we went to Ukraine and directly to Kiev. The plan was as follows: To help one family and find out if they were okay, to help other people and to be really convinced of the state of conflict on the spot. Photos and videos flocked from the media, but as we checked, they were footage of past conflicts. Our scheme fits here like a sherbel and we know that the mafia is going its own way and only the innocent are suffering again!

It is a game of lunatics for the same thing again: a lot of money, loans, accelerating entry into the EU and so on.

Of course, as we have said several times, the Russians have nothing to do in Ukraine, but at the same time Zelensky is just a puppet of the mafia!

We returned to Slovakia on March 7, 2022 and talked to the customs officers for several hours.

Many people are packed into this conflict: petrol fraudsters, non-profits and people traffickers.

Not only the mobsters, who have several hundred thousand euros, flow across the border, but also the people of Arabia.

The government of Sr. and others deny this and claim the opposite. However, we actually saw them in Zemplínská Šírava with UKR. Passports and a car of a diplomat from Jordan parked in front of the motel. We even saw lunches and heard the mob arguing about people's imports.

It's time to clean up the mafia and there will never be a war again!

SERIES: Journey to besieged Kiev (English subtitles):

Part 1. - Ubla - Sambir 

Part 2. - Sambir - Zhitomyr 

Part 3. + Part 4 - Kiev + Fastiv 

Part 5. - Final